Today, not surprisingly,
it was announced that the UK is again in recession. Politicians and mainstream commentators keep saying that, somehow, we have been experiencing a crisis, an economic downturn or a double dip recession. Maybe this is correct by some textbook definitions but in reality it is not a crisis or an economic downturn. This is how the current economic system was designed to work.
It has very little, if anything, to do with the workings of the free market or capitalism, but much more to do with another, much more disturbing innovation system, that of communism for the rich.
For over a decade, the "captains" of the finance industry with the blessing or possibly the collusion, of the politicians and regulators have engineered a massive global pyramid scheme,
the largest heist in history. It is the largest-ever transfer of the wealth generated and accumulated by the middle classes to the super-rich. Every spending cut, increase in taxes, every negative differential of interest rates, i.e. when saving rates are below the inflation, the negative differential between wage inflation and price inflation, additional money printed (so-called Quantitative Easing), significant drop in house prices, amounts to a massive raid on wages, savings, pensions, endowments and generally the wealth accumulated for lifetimes and sometimes through the generations by the middle classes. This heist, this massive misappropriation, continues. We also clearly see the other side of wealth accumulation: the global market for premium properties and luxury goods is thriving and there is no sign of the financial crisis in offshore financial centres.
Obviously the politicians keep saying that they are fighting the crisis and want to bring back stability and prosperity. We have been hearing this since 2008. Maybe some of them, those that are not particularly smart, even believe what they are saying. But this is just a front so that the system, which is extremely efficient in transferring middle class wealth to the super-rich, is allowed to continue operating at full speed. The so-called "financial markets", which are grotesque and primitive parodies of the concept of the free market, keep ruining the economy and the lives of ordinary people. And despite the rhetoric of the politicians and many in the main stream media which supports their claims to be fighting the crisis, this is effectively just a smokescreen behind which the real agenda is hidden, that of cleaning out the middle classes. Both the media and the politicians ensure that
the largest heist in history continues and are fully aware of what is going on.